Aмaziпg pictuгes of мotheг bats caггyiпg heг baby while flyiпg

Incredible photo of a mother bat flying with her baby.

While on a photography trip to Darwin, Australia, I came upon a couple of large trees filled with little red flying foxes, also called fruit bats, roosting for the day.

They were a bit skittish and difficult to approach. Fortunately, I was able to get close enough to single out individuals and spot this mother nursing her baby. It took several pictures, but this was one came out best with her looking down at me.

Rodrigues fruit bats are only found on the Rodrigues Island in the Indian Ocean and are critically endangered. sdzsafaripark.org Come see them hanging in their new exhibit at the Safari Park.

r/nextfuckinglevel - Mother Bat flying with her baby

The baby is just “henlo, I am a pupper, look at me mum” and the mum is like “I h a v e s e e n w o r l d s e n d

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