Good news: Chelseα owner αccept firsr Chelseα trαnsfer αs α gift for new mαnαger

The general manager of the Ecuadorian club Independiente del Valle said that a deal has been made for Chelsea to sign the young star Kendry Paez.


The 15-year-old was linked to Manchester United, Man City, Bayer Leverkusen, and Real Madrid, so the Blues made their first move to get him in February.

Transfer expert Fabrizio Romano said earlier this month that Paez was close to deciding to move to Stamford Bridge in 2025. He can’t move to England until he is 18, though, so the move won’t happen until then. Now, it looks like the deal for £17.5 million is almost done.

Santiago Morales, the general manager of Independiente del Valle, gave an update on the upcoming move and said that it’s “practically arranged.” “We’ve already talked about it a few times, a few months ago,” he told Studio Futbol, according to METRO.

“Chelsea is very interested, and the deal is almost done between the two sides. Legally, we are looking into what can be done. He is only 15, and this kind of bargaining is against FIFA’s rules. We’ll be lucky enough to enjoy him for at least two more years, until he turns 18. After that, he can leave.You have to look at the legal situation, and it’s clear that a transfer contract can’t be signed.

However, you might be able to come to an agreement, which is what Chelsea is trying to do with their league, their federation, and FIFA to make this move, which would be the first of its kind in Ecuadorian football. We’re sure that it won’t be the last one.

“I’m sure Kendry will be a great representative for all Ecuadorian players. I’m talking about all the young players who have the chance to make the jump.

“You have to take advantage of these days and tournaments so you can have fun, because he is a great player and a great boy.”

David Ornstein gives update on contract situation of Chelsea midfielder

Mount has been linked with moves to a number of top European teams, including Liverpool and Manchester United, according to Ornstein. Mount’s contract at Stamford Bridge, which ends in 2024, is set to expire at that time.

The defender is also out because of an injυry. Yesterday, he posted on Instagram that he had surgery to fix the problem and said again that he hopes to be back before the end of the season.

Fans are hoping that he will stay at the club longer because of this, and Ornstein recently talked about the player’s position on the Rio Ferdinand Presents FIVE YouTube channel. He said that the player and the club’s leaders will have talked about his future.

“Mason Mount will have been on Pochettino’s mind during the managerial talks. Even though the situation has been well-publicized in recent months [no agreement on a new contract, and talks have been put on hold until the summer], you can still talk, and I told you last week that Todd Boely and Mount have talked in person. “Mount was told that the club really likes him and does want to keep him. Both sides have to make a big choice. Chelsea’s position is that they will either renew or sell, but the new boss who takes over at Chelsea will have a lot to sαy about this.

There are important times ahead for Chelsea and Mount, and only time will tell if they can agree on a new deal or not. The player is getting a lot of attention, which is natural.

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