Whαt Erling Hααlαnd said to Mαn City teammαtes αfter breαking Premier Leαgue goαlscoring record

Manchester City striker Haaland gave a speech to his teammates after breaking the record for the most goals scored in a single Premier League season on Wednesday.

Haaland gave a speech to his City teammates after breaking the record.

Erling Haaland delivered a speech to his Manchester City teammates after breaking the record for the most goals scored in a single Premier League season.

The Norwegian ace scored his 35th top-flight goal of the season for Pep Guardiola’s side in City’s 3-0 victory over West Ham on Wednesday night. Haaland’s second-half strike saw him move ahead of Alan Shearer and Andy Cole, who both scored 34 goals in 42-game seasons in 1994/95 and 1993/94 respectively.

The 22-year-old frontman, who has registered 51 goals in 45 appearances in all competitions, has enjoyed a scintillating debut campaign at the Etihad following his transfer from Borussia Dortmund last summer. Despite his personal success, Haaland was keen to acknowledge the role his teammates have played in his remarkable individual season.

He addressed the City players in the dressing room after the match, saying: “Thanks for the assists as well. I don’t know what more to say but I’m really happy and thank you guys so much.”

Haaland received a guard of honour after the game, but the Norway international joked it was ‘painful’ as he reflected on his incredible feat.

When Sky Sports presenter David Jones said he had never seen a guard of honour for a goalscoring record, Haaland replied: “Me neither! It was a nice feeling like with every goal I score and especially to win the game is extremely important.

The striker will be looking to get on the scoresheet once again when the Blues face Leeds at the Etihad on Saturday afternoon. The Whites named Sam Allardyce as their new manager on Wednesday.

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