Chelsea legeпd Ashley cole mαkes £2.5m profit oп sprαwling surrey mαпsion- which boαsts eight- bedrooms, α luxury ciпemα αпd even α footbαll pitch

It was the house he used to live in with his ex-wife Cheryl. They bought it together just a few months after getting married in 2006.

But Ashley Cole will finally be done with the Surrey house he bought with his ex-wife after selling it for a huge £6.1million. It has been seven years since they broke up.

The former Chelsea player made a huge profit of £2.5 million on Hurtmore House in Godalming. He bought it for £3.5 million, which was £500,000 more than it was being sold for at the time. The couple who got divorced spent another £5 million fixing up the eight-bedroom house, which has a movie theater, a football field, and even a helipad. Ashley’s big, fαncy house also has a 42-foot-long, high-end, open-plan kitchen.

The property itself is 60,000 square feet and sits on 13 acres of land. A long, private road lined with trees leads to the property. The luxurious home also has an indoor swimming pool, sauna, and Jacuzzi tub. Ashley put the home on the market for £7.5million at first, but when it didn’t sell, he lowered the price by £1.4million.

A source told The Sun that Ashley had to take a big cut in price because he knew he just had to get rid of it. After Ashley moved to America to play for LA Galaxy, he chose to put the house on the market. The star joined the team in January 2016, but in January of this year, he signed a one-year deal.

The sale happens right after the athlete and his girlfriend Sharon Canu, who looks like Cheryl, had their second child.

Cheryl and Ashley got a divorce and Cheryl gave the house to Ashley. In her 2012 book, Cheryl: My Story, she talked about the house and said it was very hard for her to leave the home she had shared with Ashley for so many years.

She said, “It broke my heart to pack up my clothes and still see some of Ashley’s clothes in the closet.” Every room reminded me of something, and every night I cried.Cheryl and her then-husband Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini later bought a house in North London for £4 million. It had five bedrooms, a swimming pool, and a gym. Cheryl and Liam Payne now have a son named Bear.


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