Ronαldo’s eldest son: 11 yeαrs old hαs α respectαble profile

Famous as the eldest son of Portuguese football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo – Cristiano Ronaldo Jr since his birth has attracted a lot of media attention.

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr was born on June 17, 2010. As of 2022, he will turn 12 in June. So far, there has been a lot of speculation about the identity of Ronaldo Jr’s mother, but there is no information yet. which is verified.

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr is very close to his father and is always present in most of his posts on social networks. The boy also often goes to the stadium with male players and many award ceremonies.

Ronaldo Jr often appears with his father at events as well as on social networks.

A future player

Carrying the ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ of the Portuguese superstar, it is not sᴜʀᴘʀɪsɪɴɢ that Ronaldo Jr was exposed to football and had a love for this sport since childhood. Ronaldo Jr has joined Club de Fútbol Pozuelo de Alarcón – a small football club in Madrid, Spain since 2016, then transferred to Juventus Football Academy.

In early 2022, Cristiano Ronaldo’s son followed in his father’s footsteps when signing a contract with Manchester United club. 11-year-old Cristiano Jr was pictured wearing a “Ronaldo 7” shirt after agreeing to become an academy player at United.

In the past, the Portuguese striker has ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟᴇᴅ that he would love to see his son follow in his career. The boy’s grandmother, Maria Dolores, believes the boy has better skills than his father at that age and hopes he will be a great player.

From a young age, the boy showed an early talent for football.

A little “scoring machine”

In September 2018, Ronaldo Jr marked his Juventus debut by scoring four goals. Cristiano Jr’s scoring record is not a fluke. The boy’s stats will sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇ many people. According to statistics, Ronaldo Jr has scored a total of 58 goals and assisted 18 times in 28 matches. Those efforts brought the boy the award of Best Scorer.


It’s not clear how much Ronaldo Jr’s football team paid the boy, but sources say the boy’s salary is estimated at $363,000 per year, and his net worth is around $1.2 million. This is an impressive number for a boy of only 11 years old like Ronaldo Jr.

Ronaldo Jr’s assets at the age of 11 made many people admire.

Hobbies and other interests

Ronaldo Jr spends most of his free time playing football and attending his father’s games and cheering for him. The boy also enjoys playing other sports like tennis and lacrosse, but doesn’t focus on these as much as football.

He also enjoys going to the movies with his dad and watching Disney movies like “How To Train Your Dragon”, the “Toy Story” series and the “The Lion King” trilogy.

Ronaldo Jr and Georgina – Dad’s girlfriend

In his documentary, Georgina – Ronaldo’s girlfriend has a segment about Ronaldo Jr having a girlfriend when he was 11 years old.  “I think it’s funny that Junior (Cristiano Jr) has a girlfriend. I told him I had to see her and get my approval, even though I’m not a very demanding mother  ,” she said.

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